Student Conduct
It is by his deeds that a lad distinguishes himself If his conduct is pure and right. (Proverbs 20:11)
It is by his deeds that a lad distinguishes himself If his conduct is pure and right. (Proverbs 20:11)
The purpose of Veritas Academy of Tucson’s Code of Conduct is to promote a Christ-like attitude in its learning environment and to encourage the development of positive Christian relationships among its students. Therefore, it is important that specific guidelines regarding behavior while attending our school be set. While on-campus concerns are primary, Veritas Academy of Tucson reserves the right to address any off-campus conduct deemed to be significantly effecting on-campus relationships and/or learning environment.
Veritas Academy of Tucson’s dress code is intended to reflect the school’s aims to honor God and disciple students. It is designed to encourage modesty, decency, and propriety and to de-emphasize the use of clothing as a significant means of establishing self-identity or gaining attention or social status (Matt. 6:28- 34; 1 Cor. 9:19-23; 1 Pet. 3:2-4; 1 Tim. 2:9, 10; Jam. 2:1-5). The Headmaster or one designated to act in his stead, retains the authority to determine the appropriateness of a given student’s attire or hairstyle, and may remove from the campus or otherwise discipline any student deemed to be inappropriately dressed. The administration also reserves the right to grant a limited variance to these regulations for special purposes, such as related sports programs and physical education classes, special dress days or other instructional exercises, provided that high standards of modesty are always upheld. All elements of the dress code are in force (and may be enforced) during regular school hours. During that time, students anywhere on campus must be dressed in either proper class attire or proper sports attire. Changing into off- campus attire should be done off-campus. While dress code enforcement will be limited to school days, provisions and standards relating to modesty and decency should be respected by the students and are enforceable by the staff anywhere on the campus as well as at off-campus, school-sponsored events.
Veritas Academy of Tucson’s dress code is in place as an application of Kingdom values taught in God’s Word. As you prepare to explain the reasons behind the dress code to your children, please read the above passages and talk about them together. If you personally disagree with certain specifics of the dress code, feel free to communicate your suggestions to the school in writing, but we humbly ask that you defer to the present practice and speak respectfully of these matters in your home. We ask this for the sake of the Biblical principles they represent and for the peace and order of the learning environment.
Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart. (1 Sam. 16.7b)
At VAT, we are concerned about what goes into the student’s mind as well as what is in the heart, for it is out of the abundance of the heart that the mouth speaks (Lk. 6.45) or that the child dresses. There are many positive reasons for a standardized dress code at VAT. A standardized dress code:
As believers, seeking to follow God’s plan for our lives, we should desire to reflect Christ in every aspect of our lives – including how we dress. (1 Tim. 2:9-10/Prov. 22:6)
Any solid-color long or short-sleeved polo shirt with a collar, turtle neck, or mock turtle-neck may be worn. All shirts are to be tucked in at all times with the exception of Kindergarten and First grade. Polo- style shirts are allowed, but no alternate-color embroidery is allowed. Logos are allowed if they are smaller than a quarter. Chambray cloth, Oxford-cloth, or short sleeved and button-down collars are allowed. Special Veritas Academy of Tucson t-shirts and/or sweatshirts are permitted on designated days.
Any solid-color sweater or cardigan worn over a uniform shirt is acceptable. Students may also wear solid- colored jackets and sweatshirts that do not have logos/emblems/embroidery inside the classroom.
Pants, shorts, and skirts should be Docker/Chino-style OR corduroy navy/khaki/“light stone,” worn at the waistline, with or without pleats, zipper and snap or button is approved school dress. No jeans or jean material, cargo, cargo pocket or baggies are allowed. Kindergarten and first grade children may wear elastic waist pants.
Shorts and skorts must extend below the fingertips when standing. Skirts must be worn no shorter than three inches above the knee. Girls may wear bike-style shorts or leggings under skirts and jumpers. Girls may wear 100% cotton or polished cotton twill navy/khaki Capri or “flood” pants with belt loops and a belt. Stretch or denim pants are not allowed.
Belts (any color) are required beginning in the 5th grade if bottoms have belt loops.
Shoes must be in good repair and worn with white, navy, or black socks or hosiery. Flat sandals are acceptable on non-P.E. days. No flip-flops, backless or thong-type sandals may be worn. On days when children have Physical Education, athletic shoes must be worn.
Caps may not be worn indoors or backwards. Regarding piercings, only girls may be allowed to have a single stud in each ear; no large earrings or double piercings. Any other accessories (scarves, jewelry, hair bows etc.) should be modest, non-distracting, and tidy.
There will be designated “casual dress” and “dress-up” days during the school year when other clothes will be permitted or required. These days will be announced in advance. No torn clothing, crop tops, halters, tank tops, sleeveless shirts, or any other inappropriate clothing is allowed. Hair is to be neat, clean, out of eyes, and its natural color. Boys’ hair length is to be no longer than to the top of the collar. Students attending any school event or function must be appropriately dressed in standardized dress or follow the dress code as determined by the Head of School. The school reserves the right to prohibit specific dress and dress-related items whether they are mentioned in these guidelines or not.
In an effort to enforce the academy’s Student Dress Code in an impartial manner, the outlined process will be followed. We hope that this clarifies our student’s expectations and motivates student’s to avoid the hassles that come with dress code non-compliance.