Diligence in the Right Direction
Often we work hard at many things. We also fight mightily against earthly and spiritual forces, and even fight our own internal battles between the flesh and the Spirit. Unfortunately, while working hard and fighting battles, we often box aimlessly beating the air. (1 Corinthians 9:26)
One place that God tells us to strive diligently is for “the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.” Ephesians 4:3 One of the hallmarks of the presence of God is unity within the body of Christ, a unity around the truth of the gospel and for the glory of Christ. This likemindedness around God-given goals has been one of the things that first attracted me to Veritas 4 years ago and one of the reasons I am so proud to be a part of our school.
I also see this preservation of our unity of Spirit in the bond of peace as one of my foremost tasks as Head of School. Whether it be in relationships within the staff, parent-teacher relationships of admin-board relationships. Usually this includes hammering out differences between parties. But it is ironic to me the things over which we get out of joint.Sometimes we need to learn to major on the majors and minor on the minors. In other words, are there things that can be resolved because the differences are not as severe as they first seem?
As I watch people working themselves up over the wise or not-so-wise directives from government entities over such things as mask wearing, I wonder if this is a diversion of precious energy that could be used for more important battles. I sense some pretty serious battles ahead for school choice and the continuation of the state tax credits and for religious freedom. This election cycle may be one of the most pivotal in my life time, especially here in AZ.
A friend once advised my younger self: “Christopher, choose carefully the hill upon which you will die.” Another said, “You don’t have to get into every argument to which you are invited.” And a third counseled me that I could win the battle but lose the war. (Do you think I had a problem with arguing?) And I began to see that my arguing was costing me relationships with my brothers and sisters, especially as I fought over things that would not matter in eternity.
Now I try to be diligent in the right direction. Not diligent in trying to prove my point (saw a t-shirt while on vacation: “I’m not arguing, I’m just explaining to you why I’m right!). Rather, to be diligent over God’s priorities — preserving the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. This will be very, very important as we go forward together.
I enjoy robust debate on many subjects, but at the end of the day we must make a decision and we must move together in unity; just like a Mom and Dad arguing over issues behind closed doors, coming to a consensus, then having a united front in front of the kids. Feel free to call me directly, Zoom or come in to see me if you have concerns. Let’s discuss them. Don’t suffer in silence, as they say. You may have a very important point that has yet to be considered. But then let’s link arms and walk shoulder to shoulder (wait, we can’t do that with social distancing!). Metaphorically, let’s do all we can to fight together against common enemies outside of our school and outside of the Body of Christ.
Your fellow servant-warrior, Christopher
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