Lessons I Learned On My Birthday:
- Jesus Plays Volleyball: Seriously, I did not know this. But I wandered into the gym and saw the girls practicing volleyball displaying this truth — “Even the Son of Man came not to be served, but to SERVE!” Who knew?
- Days Seldom Go as Planned, but Sometimes They Go Better! We often are so absorbed with our plans for the day and week that any interruption throws us off. We can impatiently tap a foot or shift in our chair, waiting for the interruption to move on and let us return to our precious To Do list.
Last week I was behind on writing my board report, but I had it all figured out. I’d get up early on Friday and get into the office, starting my writing as soon as I got there. I had few appointments, so I could sail right through it.
Not so fast. Linda had her own ideas. Thursday night she asked me on a date for breakfast. Well, how could I pass up coffee with my best friend of over 45 years?
Then my daughters called. Could I meet them for lunch with the grandbaby Thea Grace and our foster grandbaby? How could I say no? We had a wonderful time. The stories of the grandkids antics and classic comments were refreshing to the soul.
Lastly, Linda wasn’t done — how about a quick dinner at Culver’s so I could get my free birthday sundae?
“A man plans his ways, but the Lord directs his steps.” Prov. 16:9 - Even when tragedy strikes, God Is in Control and God Is Good: It was close to quitting time when I wandered out on campus looking for unlocked doors and gates. I turned the corner and I spotted one of our granddads, Mike Beeson. As I went to greet him, I noticed he had a cane! Shaking his hand, I asked, “What happened to you?” Mike told me the harrowing tale of how, while on a bike ride with a friend, he had a stroke! Shocked, I tried to picture the scene. Mike said, “But God was really protecting me the whole time.” Really? And he catalogued the Hand of Protection in the midst of this accident: he was wearing a helmet, not something we old guys used to do; he was with a friend when he often rode alone instead; he was just coming up to a steep hill at only 10 mph rather than flying at top speed nearing the bottom; and then the best thing, he was right across the street from the hospital. Even when we don’t realize it, God is good all the time.
- Age Is Just a Number, as Long as We Have Our Health and Mental Faculties: To all you nearly 30s, nearly 40s, nearly 50s, etc. who are freaked out about getting older, “Relax and enjoy the ride.” I can enjoy life just as much at 69 (gasp! nearly 70!) as 39. In fact, I’d never go back unless the Lord let me keep all the lessons He has taught me along the way. The only important thing is not that we age, but how we age and whether we glorify Christ each day through fruitful labor. (Philippians 1:21-22)
I also learned that, because of you all, I would rather be serving the Lord here than anywhere else. Thanks for all the birthday greetings, Christopher

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